Category Archives: Typos

How Do You Know When You’re Finished?

By Gail Blohowiak

I recently listened to Walter Mosley on Wisconsin Public Radio in an interview on writing. Mosley is an acclaimed American mystery writer best known for his Easy Rawlins character. He answered this question for the interviewer.

This was Mosley’s final answer (which I paraphrase) ‘When I don’t find any reason to rewrite again, I’m finished.’ In the interview, he said he rewrites up to twenty-six drafts. That’s a lot of drafts. That’s a lot of rewriting.

I thought I was rewriting too much. I’ve switched my work from first person to third, or present tense to past tense. I played around with the format. I’ve reworked my word choices. I’ve written a scene as quickly as I can and later gone back later to fill in the details.

I enlisted alpha and beta readers for feedback. I’ve joined a critique group. I write and rewrite. I learn. I listen. Then, I write and rewrite.

I thought something was wrong with me! Not according to Mr. Mosley. My manuscript is progressing. I’m only on my sixth or seventh draft which means I have a long way to go.

Now, if I count the drafts from my first play (I am writing a novel from my three SPAM plays), I’m up to thirteen rewrites. I’m on my way, but still ‘not finished’.

So, I’ll go to my favorite writing spot and read, reread, write, and rewrite – maybe not the whole piece at one time, but surely certain parts.

I’m aiming for twenty-six rewrites now. Thanks Walter. Then, hopefully, I’ll be finished.

How about you? When are you finished?

 (I rewrote this piece in only eight drafts. (Make that nine drafts now.) It’s a short piece. I’m finished.)

Writing Perspective – Day 12 of 31

By Valerie Routhieaux

Day 12: Typos

Welcome to today’s topic—Typos. You might think typos are easy to spot, especially if the word is misspelled. However, what about words that aren’t misspelled and are still typos. Spellchecker won’t catch those words.

Homophones are words that sound alike but have different spellings and different meanings.

Common homophones are:

Its, It’s

They’re, their, there

You’re, your

Peek, peak

Right, write, rite

Sight, cite, site

Read, reed

Other homophones that aren’t quite as popular are:

Poor, pour, pore

Breech, breach

Aye, eye

I’m certain there are a lot more than the few I’ve shown. If you’re not certain about the word you’re using, look it up. Get it right. If you don’t know how to spell a word, look it up. The most commonly misspelled word is ‘you’re’ and ‘your.’ Most people will use your when they mean you’re. The best way to know which is right is to say you are, then you know you’re is correct. If you can’t say you are, then your is correct. The same with ‘it’s’. If you can say it is, then it’s, is it.

I hope I’ve helped you with your typos.

Now practice your spelling and write a post. I look forward to reading your offerings.

Tomorrow’s Perspective: Parts of a Story