Betts Arney’s (Gail Buntin Blohowiak) new book, Elusive Common Sense is now available at Barnes & Noble and on Amazon. Congrats to Betts!
Raconteur, playwright, and author, Gail Buntin Blohowiak is a Green Bay, Wisconsin native who does indeed possess Packers season tickets. (Most frequently asked question followed by, “Do you know any of the players?”)
She will tell you her education and former professions are not important!
She has authored two non-fiction works and three plays and co-authored another. She is completing her novel based on the plays and another novel as the opening volley of the Parker France series – The Parker Chronicles.
Non-Fiction Works
Demystifying Leadership
A Reflective Journey – Connecting your Head, Heart, Spirit and Body in your Teaching
Let them Eat SPAM – a play in three acts
The Revenge of SPAM – a play in three acts
Death by SPAM- a play in three acts
The Table Read (Co-author) – one act play
Novels (in the works under the name Annie Buntin)
The SPAM Project
The Parker Chronicles – Book One
How to Remove Blood from an Antique Persian Carpet
You can contact her at (920) 360-6235 or via email at gailblohowiak@gmail.com