H.G. Watts
H. G. Watts was born and bred in the Midwest with a brief stint in New York City.
As a young teen, she began writing professionally for a daily newspaper and received various awards for her work including national recognition for the youth section she edited.
Watts has also worked professionally in television, radio, and in corporate communications where she edited a regional magazine. Her bachelor’s degree in Journalism is from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Watts’s Faith and family are most important in her life. She likes to spend time at home or somewhere in Italy…enjoys reading…and occasionally draws or paints. She has a like-dislike relationship with golf. Her words to live by: “Thy Will be done.”

Her book “Blood of the Seven Suns: A Medieval Novel Based on Real People & Events” is available online from all major retail outlets including Amazon and Barnes & Noble. In Green Bay, her book is usually in stock at Cathedral Book & Gift and Lion’s Mouth Bookstore. It can also be ordered through Barnes & Noble and local bookstores throughout the nation.
(ISBN: 978-1-7336239-0-2)
Watts is not on any social media sites. However, you can reach her through her website: HGWatts.com