Terry C. Misfeldt has published his first novel, Shevivor, the story of Janet Murphy. Janet loves the outdoors and firearms. She is an Irish Catholic redhead who becomes a highly successful advertising account executive and makes enough money to purchase a hunting lodge in Montana. She survives getting lost in the wilderness of Michigan’s Upper Peninsula while hunting with her family. She is attacked by a deranged hunter who kills her grandfather. She takes out an active shooter at her mother’s school but loses her mother and is wounded herself. She even endures harassment from her employer. After she moves to Montana, Janet is forced to survive an attack by a rogue grizzly bear. And there is far more to the story.
Terry has experience as a business owner, former chamber of commerce executive, and publisher of Future magazine, the former official publication of the United States Jaycees. He has written numerous blogs on business and marketing and had articles published in business magazines. He was a co-author with Dr. Ivan Misner in his book, Masters of Success and assisted Tom Giralamo in publishing his book on landscaping. Terry is also an editor, member of the Wisconsin Writers Association, and former photojournalist.
He currently serves as president of Shawano Area Writers and is proud to be a member of the Guild.
For more than 20 years he has officiated high school soccer matches in Wisconsin, licensed by the Wisconsin Interscholastic Athletic Association (WIAA).
Learn more at https://www.terrycmisfeldt.com and visit his business website; https//www.brandirons.com. Terry is a business consultant specializing in feasibility studies and market research. He has been married for more than 40 years. He and his wife have three children and four grandchildren with a fifth due in October.