
Jean Baxter (Salvageable): “The members of the Green Bay Area Writer’s Guild are a mix of ages, experience and genres all with one thing in common, the love of writing. It is a place to bring your questions and concerns about your work. People are more than willing to give suggestions and constructive feedback or you can just sit back, listen and learn.”

Tyler Reif: “Being one of the younger members of the guild means I don’t have the experience that the others do. Yet everyone shares their experience with you they don’t just critique you, they help gently push along and keep your goals. We aren’t just a guild I believe we are a little writing family.”

Rhonda Strehlow (Second Act): “The Green Bay Area Writers Guild has been the force that has moved me forward as a writer. The support and honest feedback and, the diversity of its members makes GBAWG a haven for writers of all genres and at all stages in their careers. It is a wonderful place to share your joys, fears, and achievements.  Every member becomes a friend.”

Nancy Sweetland (House on the Dunes): “I find the Guild a warm and welcoming place for writers to come together to discuss questions or problems about their writing, and to ask for helpful comments about their works in progress.”